BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition [US] [PS3 ISO] | Kurator Game
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January 30, 2017

Home / / BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition [US] [PS3 ISO]
Cover Art
Game Name BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition
Type PS3 ISO
Language English
Release Date Jan 15, 2013
Genre Action, FPS
Size 23,8 GB

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About :

BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition: Before exploring the world of Columbia in the upcoming worldwide release of BioShock Infinite on March 26, 2013, fans of the franchise and newcomers alike can experience everything that Rapture has to offer with the BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition for $29.99 (MSRP) for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. The BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition includes the critically-acclaimed BioShock, BioShock 2 and add-on content for both games valued at more than $40. It also includes a trip to the never-before-seen Museum of Orphaned Concepts, providing a rare look at early concept art and character models that never made it into BioShock.

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